School Activities

Ambassadors is a group committed not only to Stuttgart High School students but to the Stuttgart Garrison community. While being here to welcome new students into the Stuttgart High School family, we are also here to give service to our community whi...

Meets on: Tuesday

Meeting Time: Lunch

An "open house" environment for Stuttgart students to be creative in their choice of artistic mediums.

Meets on: Monday,Friday

Meeting Time: Afterschool and Lunch

Debate Team provides opportunities to travel to various German schools and participate in debate. There are competitions. Other activities involve "friendlies" or non-league events in nearby countries.

Meets on: Thursday

Meeting Time: 1:45-3:00pm

Delta Epsilon Phi, German Honor Society (Deutsche Ehrenverbindung) is an elite opportunity for students with an interest in the German language and its culture. Its members have demonstrated superiority in German language classes as well as maintaini...

Meets on: Thursday

Meeting Time: 2nd and 4th Thursday @ Lunch

Step into the SPOTLIGHT with SHS Drama Club! Our student actors, dancers,singers, and technicians (lights, sound, set, costumes, make-up, etc.) produce two to three productions every year. Rehearsals and performances are after school. We have a spot ...

Meets on: Friday

Meeting Time: Friday @ Lunch

Educators Rising is cultivating a new generation of highly skilled educators by guiding young people on a path from high school through college and into their teaching careers. By working with aspiring educators who reflect the demographics of their ...

Meets on: Monday

Meeting Time: Monday @ Lunch

The Freshman Class is an active part of the Student Council at SHS. During the course of the school year, students assist Student Council with organizing fund-raising opportunities and public-service activities. Our student council members are voted ...

Meets on: Friday

Meeting Time: Friday @ Lunch 

The elected Junior Class representatives' main purpose is to plan and organize the Junior/Senior Prom. Various fundraisers, such as a dodgeball tournament, bagging groceries at the commissary and selling Frito-pies at lunch, are held throughout the y...

Meets on: Wednesday

Meeting Time: Wednesday @ Lunch

Mu Alpha Theta is national mathematics honors society dedicated to promoting and developing scholarship and keen math interest in high schools and colleges around the world! It also provides tutoring for those who need help in math. Requirements: mus...

Meets on: Thursday

Meeting Time: 1st and 3rd Thursday @ Lunch

The National English Honor Society (NEHS) recognizes the academic accomplishments of America’s high school students and promotes their continuing interest in the English language arts.

Meets on: Monday

Meeting Time: 1st Monday @ Lunch

National Honor Society (NHS) is an organization that is committed to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop character in the students of secondary schools.

Meeting Time: Lunch

Poet's Corner provides a support group for students who like to write and read poetry. Meetings are bi weekly during lunch hour. Students submit poems to the sponsor prior to the meeting if possible. Poems are discussed and analyzed in detail. Publis...

Meets on: Tuesday

Meeting Time: 2nd and 4th Tuesday @ Lunch

Assist the American Red Cross in activities that positively affect our community and beyond.

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